The Volcker Rule: Commentary and Analysis

April 02, 2014

Dechert’s The Volcker Rule: Commentary and Analysis comprehensively examines what the Rule requires and how it impacts the operations of a wide range of U.S. and non-U.S. banking and non-banking financial services companies, focusing on the challenges and opportunities it creates.

Experts agree that the Volcker Rule is one of the most important and controversial parts of the landmark Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

It was adopted in December 2013 by five federal financial regulatory agencies, requiring “banking entities” to bring their proprietary trading and covered fund activities and investments into compliance with the Rule by July 15, 2015. Counsel, advisors, executives and managers of any entity that is affiliated with or invests in a U.S. or foreign bank will want this reference book on their desks.

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Please contact Kara Hardie if you have any questions.

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