The Return to the Workplace: Your Questions Answered

June 24, 2021
Webinar | 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. BST

With a return to the office anticipated in the near future, the Dechert UK Labor and Employment Team invites you to a webinar to consider some of the questions likely to be on employers' minds as they plan for office reopening. Topics for discussion will include: 

  • Is a “no jab, no job" policy lawful?
  • Can you test employees for COVID-19 and if so, what measures need to be in place?
  • What do you need to consider when processing employee data relating to vaccinations, test results or ill-health?
  • What is best practice for dealing with flexible/agile working requests?
  • How do you manage employees who are reluctant to return to the workplace?
  • Can you force employees to take accrued holiday before the end of this holiday year?
  • How do you manage sickness absence caused by long COVID and other symptoms related to COVID-19?
  • What should you do to mitigate against potential mental health and integration issues caused by long-term homeworking?

If you have any queries related to this webinar, please contact Abby Cook.

If you are a reporter and would like to attend this event, please contact

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