If you are an attorney interested in attending this program, please click the appropriate link below to email your name, title, company, contact information, and bar numbers for jurisdictions in which you are requesting CLE credit to DechertCLE@Dechert.com. Once we receive this information, we will confirm your registration status. The webcast will be run via Teams. Please see here for their minimum system requirements.
Philadelphia, PA - September 21, 2023 – 2:00-3:00pm ET
Virtual (Webcast) - September 21, 2023 – 2:00-3:00pm ET
This training will serve as an introduction to taking and defending depositions. Topics covered will include:
- Planning a deposition
- Questioning techniques
- Handling bad facts, getting great admissions
- Objections, privileges, and protections from disclosure
- Defending a deposition
An application for CLE credit is pending in PA.