Dechert’s team has a deep bench with years of experience counseling companies regarding PFAS litigation and transaction issues, including in connection with complex mass tort and class-action litigation, legislative and regulatory compliance issues, public and government relations, pre-investment risk analysis, and business transactions.
Our longstanding work in this highly technical area has given us experience with many of the nation’s leading experts in the PFAS space. Our understanding of the science, case law and legal developments, and significant experience enables us to assist stakeholders across diverse industries and operations.
Dechert’s team has the expertise to defend, counsel, and perform risk assessments for companies at all stages of federal and state environmental litigation, assist with developing a consistent communications strategy, and coordinate advice on the multitude of legislative and regulatory issues facing stakeholders today.
Selected Experience
- Global and national chemical manufacturers and processors as national counsel in defense of class actions and individual personal injury and property damage suits arising out of the presence of perfluorooctanoic acid in the groundwater and municipal water supplies.
- Fluoropolymer processor as national counsel in defense of personal injury actions alleging exposure to PFAS from personal protective equipment.
- Private equity firms in counseling related to potential PFAS litigation and regulations.
- Firefighting foam manufacturers in product liability actions brought by individual, municipal, and putative class plaintiffs.
Industry Insights
- Environmental Group Sues FDA over Inaction on PFAS in Food (February 2025)
- EPA Proposes Human Health Criteria for PFAS in Surface Water (January 2025)
- PFAS in the Spotlight: EPA and FDA Zero in on Seafood and Water (January 2025)
- Northern District of California Rejects Claims That Tampons Contain Harmful Levels of PFAS (November 2024)
- EPA to Expand PFAS Reporting and Delay Separate PFAS Reporting Rule (November 2024)
- PFAS Out, Libel In: Testing the Boundaries of Defamation and Tortious Interference (August 2024)
- Testing the Waters: The Implications of Loper Bright on EPA’s New PFAS Regulations (August 2024)
- Recent Litigation Against EPA Highlights More Focus on PFAS in Biosolids (May 2024)
- EPA Finalizes Two Landmark Regulations for PFAS (April 2024)
- EPA Designates Two PFAS as CERCLA Hazardous Substances (April 2024)
- “Proxy” Testing Insufficient at Pleadings Stage in PFAS Litigation (February 2024)
- EPA’s Progress Report on PFAS Previews its Continued Regulatory Focus (January 2024)
- PFAS Product Testing Not Enough to Powder Over Blemishes in Class Action Pleadings (November 2023)
- PFAS: The Rising Tide of Regulatory Compliance and Litigation Risks (October 2023)
- EPA Issues Gatekeeping Framework for New PFAS and New Uses of Existing PFAS (August 2023)
- NYDOH’s Proposed Regulations Expand Notification Requirements for PFAS in Drinking Water (August 2023)
- States Intensify Efforts to Regulate PFAS (June 2023)
- EPA’s PFAS Enforcement Authority Expands Into A New Area (May 2023)
- PFAS Litigation Continues to Expand (March 2023)
- EPA Proposes National Drinking Water Regulation for Six PFAS Compounds (March 2023)
- Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge to Interim PFAS Guidance, Leaving Important Questions Unresolved (February 2023)
- European Union Proposes to Significantly Restrict PFAS (February 2023)
- More PFAS Reporting Obligations On the Horizon (January 2023)
- Practical Steps for Companies Facing PFAS Risks - Law360 (December 2022)
- EPA Issues New Guidance on Limiting Exposure to PFAS in Drinking Water (June 2022)
- Emerging Contaminants, Site Remediation, and Litigation – Practicing Law Institute: Environmental Regulation in Practice 2021 (September 2021)
- PFAS: Expected Litigation Trends (April 2021)